Your Success is Our Success!
Starr Printing – no it’s not an ego thing, Don Starr started the business way back in the 70’s, hence the name. Don retired some 25 years ago turning over the reins to me, Bob Meade, his son-in-law. The technology of our business has changed dramatically over the years but it’s our foundation of service that leads our success. Don is proud that his name endures.
Whether you are a current client or checking us out for the first time, we appreciate your interest in Starr Printing. Our desire is to consistently cultivate new relationships and strengthen our current partnerships. We value the trust placed in us to produce products that help your business achieve greatness.
Our endurance is an indicator that we have earned the trust of our clients. If you are looking for a printer that values the details, will give you personalized attention and is genuine in the desire to help you succeed, then I’m confident we can earn your trust as well.
Your Success is Our Success!

Briefly About Me -
I was born raised and educated in Cincinnati with a Business Degree from the University of Cincinnati. My wife and I raised our children in Cincinnati and now have been blessed with two grandsons. I love everything "Cincinnati".